“There are two directions. Forwards and backwards.
If you are actively doing something, regardless of it’s size or intensity, you will move forward.If you do nothing, you will go backwards.
Why? Because those around you will be choosing their directions. If they choose to move forward, you will be left behind.”~ Emma - Brazilarte
I feel there is a pressure to move more.
Move better.
Ride further.
Walk fastest.
Run longer.
My concern, as someone that teaches movements of various types, is that this pressure, or comparison which we make of ourselves and those shiny pictures of others, stops us in our tracks.
When actually we just need to do something.
We don’t need to tell anyone about it.
We don’t need to record it in our diary.
We don’t need to track it on an app.
The movement should be enough.
Currently, I have a whole host of weird niggles and pains going. Some of which are like old friends and others strangers that I’m yet to understand.
I’ve made excuses. I’ve set expectations really high. I’ve created unrealistic goals. I also lost my purpose along the way.
This process has taught me some valuable things.
Somedays, I can enjoy a heavy weight session.
Somedays, I put on my favourite tunes, turn the volume up to 11 and dance.
Somedays, I play Capoeira until my smile hurts my face.
Somedays, I dive headfirst into a self indulgent hour and a half Yoga session.
Somedays, I go for a fast walk.
Somedays, I walk slow.
My mind and body needs all of these. Not always on a set timetable. Having a young family, sometimes I don’t get to set the conditions. But I do practice at least one of them daily. 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. (Sometimes I tick all of the boxes and I might fit two or three of them in.)
It’s not a race. There is no competition. Our bodies need to move to continue to work. Use it or loose it. If we don’t use it, regardless of the intensity, it will be lost.
If movement bores you, then choose a different activity. There are endless opportunities and one of them will suit you. If you can’t think of anything, give me a shout I’ll be happy to share some ideas.
Some like to move with others. Some like to be taught. Some like to be alone.
There is a secret to moving more…
We just have to do one simple thing…
Step outside of your door. The rest is movement.